We Hit Our Goal!
We’ve Collected 10,000 Signatures Across New York!
“These signatures are a testament to the dedication of New Yorkers all across this great state to reach out to members of their communities and help build the grassroots movement it will take to make healthcare a human right in New York,” said Katie Robbins, an organizer with Healthcare-Now.
10,000 signatures for universal health care
By Tanique Williams, Legislative Gazette (Albany, N.Y.)
May 21, 2013: Healthcare-NOW! NYC and allies from across the state delivered 10,000 signatures to Governor Cuomo, the Speaker of the Assembly, and Senate Majority Leader demanding passage of the New York Health Act that would establish a universal, single-payer healthcare plan in New York.
Thanks to PNHP-NY Metro, Single Payer New York, New York State Nurses Association and all of the volunteers across the state for helping to make this possible! The success of the 100 x 100 campaign helped fuel the establishment of the Campaign for New York Health, a coalition of groups working to promote the passage of a single payer system in New York. Stay tuned for updates as the campaign moves forward.
Below is an archive of the 100 x 100 Campaign page for organizational purposes. If your group would like to pursue a 100×100 or similar campaign feel free to contact hcn.nyc@gmail.com for more information.
It’s simple. From May 1st to July 30th, 100 volunteers will collect 100 signatures for our petition calling for a universal, single-payer healthcare system for all New Yorkers.
We will end the summer 10,000 voices stronger for a just and equitable healthcare system!
Inspired by movements in other states and around the world, we’re gathering petitions and organizing our communities in support of New York state’s universal, single-payer healthcare bill. When enacted, it will set up a statewide public fund (single-payer) guaranteeing comprehensive care to all New Yorkers throughout their lives without any out-of-pocket fees. We can bring an end to our inhumane, for-profit health insurance system. No more bankruptcies due to medical debt. No more denials due to lack of coverage. Just healthcare for every resident of New York. We Need YOU to make this possible!
1) Donate-NOW!
We appreciate your donation at any level you are able to give. Check out the perks given to all our donors, and don’t forget that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you do something good!
2) Spread the word!
Please forward this link far and wide to anyone you know who wants to see a Healthcare System that works for all Americans.
3) Join the 100 x 100 Campaign and organize for single-payer in your community! Sign up below!
April 21st – Petitioning Training from Noon – 2pm at 220 5th Ave
April 30th – Our deadline to reach our $3,000 goal to make this campaign happen!
May 1st – We will be kicking off our petition drive!!!
Healthcare-NOW! NYC needs just 5 hours of your time this summer to take the single-payer movement in New York to the next level. In just one or two afternoons of fun and easy work, you can help the movement for single payer become 10,000 voices stronger.
To join the 100×100 campaign, click here, email Healthcare-NOW! NYC, or call us at 773-576-2559.
Petitioning for single payer is fun, easy, and rewarding. Support for single payer in New York is so overwhelming that people will come up to you to sign and thank you for your hard work. You’ll meet lots of like-minded people and you’ll leave feeling invigorated and hopeful about the single-payer movement. In a well-chosen spot, you can easily get the names and contact information of 20 people in an hour. In 5 hours or less, you could make a huge difference for New York’s single payer movement. Join us!
Don’t worry, we’ll train you: Nervous about petitioning? Don’t be. It’s easy and we’ll train you on-site or at one of our training sessions. You don’t need to be a policy expert or a salesperson; the cause brings people to you. We’ll be holding a training session at 12pm on Saturday April 21st at 220 5th Avenue on the fifth floor. Join us!
About the 100×100 petitioning drive: 100 volunteers will each sign up 100 new supporters of single payer. We’re asking people to hit the streets this summer with petitions in support of the New York State single-payer bill. The signatures will not only help us pressure state representatives to support the bill, but will also help connect us with 10,000 single-payer supporters throughout the state. This effort will help us build and mobilize a powerful grassroots movement for health justice in New York state!
Not keen on hitting the streets? You can still help us out. Once we have the signatures, we’ll need to enter them into our database. You can help us do this at home, at your convenience. To become a data entry volunteer, click here.
Now is the time to act: The Supreme Court could strike down the whole Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) or pieces of it. If it survives the Supreme Court, the pharmaceutical and insurance industries will continue to use their lobbying power to strip away the good provisions in the bill. Now is the time to start pushing for a better and unquestionably constitutional alternative: single payer. Following in the footsteps of Vermont and California, together we can make New York a leader in the fight for the only viable, proven solution to our healthcare woes: single-payer healthcare.